So long summer: ‘I would always choose a winter day in the mountains’

Skier Skiing DownhillFemale skier skiing donhill in front of a beautiful mountain range
It’s September – the children are back at school, the leaves on the trees are starting to turn from green to inviting shades of auburn, and the need for a pumpkin spiced latte is overwhelming. For many people, their summer holiday is already starting to feel like a distant memory, with their next major trip some way off.

But rather than feeling glum as I pack away my summer dresses and pull out my jumpers and boots, I feel a jolt of excitement. Because winter is just around the corner and for me, winter means just one thing – skiing.

Since I learned to ski as a teenager, as soon as the days start getting shorter and the nights start drawing in, I can think of little else but the forthcoming snow. I’ll be reading the long-range weather forecasts, wondering how much snow there will be this year, when would be the best time to go, and which resorts I should head for.

If I had the choice, I would always choose a winter day in the mountains over a hot summer’s day on the beach. Nothing beats the gentle bite of the cold air against your face on a crisp morning, bright white snow on the ground, with ice-crystals glistening in the sun against a backdrop of a clear blue sky. Or even on the days when the conditions aren’t so perfect, a hearty, cheese-based lunch or a glass of hot vin chaud after you’ve negotiated your way down some slopes to a cosy mountain restaurant rarely feels so well-deserved.

But a snowsports holiday isn’t just about the skiing or snowboarding. It’s also about the mountain views, the resort’s atmosphere, the delight of seeing your child master their first nursery slope, or the precious time spent with family or friends in a spectacular setting. It’s also about fun evenings in après-ski bars, being out building snowmen or sledging, or perhaps about snowshoeing, relaxing in a spa, trying something new and adventurous such as paragliding, or indeed almost anything you want it to be.

Mountain holidays bring people together – almost anyone can enjoy them. Whether you are a new skier who wants to potter around on the easy slopes, or an expert powder hound who wants to spend most of their time off-piste, as long as you choose your resort carefully, chances are both will be possible. A ski suit-clad toddler can ski with their grandad, teenagers and their parents can spend time together in an activity that they can all enjoy, friends or family can bond over a shared experience.

Teens Skiing In The AfternoonStocksy txp732b3397dBU200 Medium 1855622
 ‘Mountain holidays bring people together.’ Photograph: Gillian Vann/Stocksy

Discovering a new resort is always exciting – trying out unfamiliar slopes, searching for the best restaurants for a lunch stop, and finding the optimum place for that perfect selfie or the most amazing panoramic mountain view.

But your winter holiday is precious, and you don’t want to take all week to discover your favourite pistes, only to realise that you have to go home the next day. And while having a rep show you around the mountain was once offered as standard by most tour operators, rule changes have meant that this service is now rare.

However, Neilson Mountain Experts can help you make the most of your holiday. Neilson is now the only ski holiday company to offer free, professional ski guiding throughout the season in selected resorts across France, Austria, Italy and Andorra.

Skis on snow
 Experts can show you the best slopes to avoid the crowds. Photograph: Mirja Geh Photography
The advantages are obvious – the experts already know the resort well. They can show you the best slopes to head for to avoid the crowds, the more sheltered or tree-lined slopes that offer better visibility in bad weather, and the sunny bowl you’ll want to play in when skies are blue. They can also give you tips on your technique and posture, as well as introduce you to some of the best mountain restaurants.

The two-hour long Mountain Expert sessions are open to anyone over 18 (12 in school holidays) who can already ski confidently on blue or red runs, for each guest in a Mountain Collection hotel or ski chalet and other selected accommodation – with at least two sessions a week guaranteed. You’ll also get to jump the lift queues when skiing with a Neilson Mountain Expert – who are all qualified ski and board instructors.

So as the sun gets lower in the sky, the heating goes on and you perhaps start thinking about preparations for Christmas, don’t look back at the summer with regret. Look forward to crisp mountain days out in the fresh air, cosy nights in bars with open fires, hearty dishes shared with friends, the delicious nip of crisp alpine air and the satisfied buzz in your muscles of a day spent out in the open, doing what you love. I absolutely cannot wait.