10 Attractions You Must Visit in Magelang

Candi Borobudur

Indonesia stretches from Sabang to Merauke, decorated with as many as six large islands containing 34 provinces. Even so, many people do not recognize the country as a country that is rich in tourist attractions, and prefer to fly to other countries during holidays. In fact, Indonesia is not merely Bali and Lombok, not only Raja Ampat or Bunaken Marine Park.

Try visiting Central Java, precisely to Magelang, a border area between Central Java Province and Yogyakarta Special Region. Not too widely heard, because the city is not as big as Semarang or Surakarta. However, tourist destinations are not inferior to other regions in the vicinity. Come, explore Magelang by visiting these 15 tourist destinations!

1. Taman Kyai Langgeng
Taman Kyai Langgeng
Taman Kyai Langgeng
Tourist attractions in Magelang this one is a recreational park based on education for children and families. Kyai Langgeng himself was a freedom fighter during the rebellion with Prince Diponegoro where you can find his grave in one of the 5 hectare parks. In addition, there are various facilities and a variety of exciting game rides that you can try at tourist attractions in Magelang. Artificial forests become the most amazing natural scenery that will faithfully accompany your visit.

Not only nature tourism, you can also invite your baby to try the thrill of water rides, education, adventure, games, to religious tours. However, you will be charged additional fees for some rides, such as for water ball, swimming pool and flying fox rides.

Located on Jalan Cempaka No. 6 Kota Magelang, Taman Kyai Langgeng not far from the Magos Artos shopping center. This park is open every day until 16:30 WIB with an entrance ticket of Rp. 25,000.

2. Chicken Church

Gereja Ayam

Chicken Church

This tourist attraction in Magelang is a church that looks like a chicken sitting with a crown on its head. This tourist destination was suddenly very popular since it was used as one of the scenes in the legendary film Ada Apa dengan Cinta 2. The unique shape of the building became one of the main attractions of this church.

The Chicken Church has four levels. On the first level, you will find the vastness of the church room that is usually used as a place of worship. Then, go up one level, you will find the chicken neck and its beak that jiggles at the next level. At the last level, which is at the top, you will be treated to an extraordinary natural landscape.

The Chicken Church is located in Gombong Hamlet, Kembanglimus Village, Magelang Regency, precisely 2.5 kilometers from Borobudur Temple. If you want to visit, prepare an entrance ticket of IDR 5,000.

3. Bukit Tidar
Bukit Tidar
Bukit Tidar
Referred to as the "Land of Java", Bukit Tidar is usually used as a training ground for the local Military Academy. The origin of the name Tidar was not arbitrary. It is said that, in ancient times, everyone who visited this hill always died, or in Javanese called "modar". Ari said Tidar himself was "dead" or "modar".

Rows of towering pine trees make tourist attractions in Magelang still look beautiful and fresh. Walk a little, you will find a sacred tomb that reportedly was the conqueror of this hill, namely Shaykh Subakir. Not far from the tomb of Shaykh Subakir, there is another tomb belonging to Kyai Sepanjang, the spear of Shaykh Subakir, whose length is up to seven meters.

4. Borobudur Temple

Candi Borobudur

Borobudur Temple

Visiting Magelang will not be complete without setting foot in one of the most famous tourist attractions in Magelang in the world, Borobudur Temple. The temple, which was built in the 18th century AD by the Syailendra Dynasty, has been named as one of the world's heritages and wonders.

Step into it, and you will be amazed by the many statues. Reportedly, there are around 504 statues in this Buddhist-patterned building. Following the stairs to the top, there is a large stupa surrounded by 72 small stupas complete with statues in them. That said, if your hand is able to touch the hand of the statue, whatever your desires will soon be realized.

5. Mendut Temple
Candi Mendut
Mendut Temple
The temple has indeed become a very interesting tourist destination to visit. Back in the hundreds of years ago, we understood how the stories of the kingdoms that had been there were competing for power. One of the temples that you must go to when visiting Magelang is Mendut Temple.

Based on notes written by an archeologist named J.G. de Casparis, Mendut Temple was made by the Syailendra Dynasty in 824 AD, precisely during the reign of King Indra. However, this building had disappeared, and when it was discovered and rearranged in 1836, the roof was never found.

Still from the same note, it was written that at that time, Raja Indra built a sacred building called Wenuwana, meaning bamboo forest. Reportedly, this is what made Casparis conclude that the background to the construction of Mendut Temple was a sacred place of King Indra.

6. Pawon Temple

Candi Pawon
Pawon Temple
Not far from Mendut Temple, don't forget to stop by at Pawon Temple. In the 20th century ago, this temple was found damaged in the bush. Then, this building was restored in 1903. Not much information tells about this temple, but from a note belonging to J.G. de Casparis, Pawon Temple was built again when the Syailendra Dynasty was in power.

However, evidence of the existence of the Syailendra Dynasty as the owner of this temple was not obtained, due to the absence of Buddha-style statues. Even so, there are decorations in the form of biological trees, which until now are used as symbols of the Kalpataru. This ornament is flanked by Kinara-Kinari, a bird-bodied creature with human heads and coffers.

7. Ketep Pass
Ketep Pass
Ketep Pass
Is a tourist attraction in Magelang that presents natural scenery in the form of the magnificent Mount Merapi which can be looked at from a short distance away. Tourist attractions in Magelang, formerly called Gardu Pandang Ketep, were built on an area of 8000 square meters. Around it, there are many snack vendors, such as roasted corn vendors, instant noodles, and ginger milk.

Several years later, tourist attractions in Magelang this one has experienced significant development. Not only in the form of viewing post, now there is also a Volcanology Museum that displays all information about the activities of Mount Merapi. In addition, there is also a mini theater that will screen historical films of Mount Merapi, Pancaarga equipment, and binoculars.

8. Punthuk Setumbu
Punthuk Setumbu
Punthuk Setumbu
Want to watch the phenomenon of sunrise or sunset that is so charming? Punthuk Setumbu is a tourist spot in Magelang that is right for you to go to. With the theme of Mount Merbabu and Merapi in between, the coming and passing of the sun becomes the most beautiful event that you should not miss. The silhouette of the Borobudur Temple from a distance will also make your eyes stare in amazement and your mouth cease to amaze.

Before becoming a favorite tourist destination, Punthuk Setumbu was once a 400 meter high hill which was used by local residents as a field. There is a gazebo for visitors to relax while waiting for the sun to come or return. The best time to visit the tourist attractions in Magelang is when the dry season comes, or between June and August.

9. Kragilan Pine
Pinusan Kragilan
Pinusan Kragilan
At the foot of Mount Merbabu, Pinusan Kragilan is a tourist spot in Magelang which is dominated by towering expanses of pine trees. By visitors, this tourist spot is more familiarly called the Top Selfie Pinusan Kragilan. Giving a name is not without reason, because there are indeed a lot of places to take pictures that are so amazing. One of them is in the middle of the forest and on a straight road that is located right after the entrance.

While exploring the forest and taking pictures, you can also go along the Selo Tumpang River which also flows along this pine forest. Only by paying an entrance ticket of IDR 10,000 per person, you can get a perfect vacation. However, keep in mind that you are not allowed to set up camp and camp here.

10. Camera House
Rumah Kamera
Rumah Kamera
As the name suggests, this destination has a very unique shape, which resembles a DSLR type camera with a long lens. Tanggol Anggien Jatikusumo, the owner, is a painter from Semarang who now has long lived on the Island of the Gods, Bali. Initially, Tanggol built this Camera House only as a place for his painting gallery and painting school.

The inside of this house contains the work of the owner himself, both in pen streaks or ink blends. Sometimes, Tanggol visits his house, so you can meet him if you come at the right time. The appeal of this camera house is on the roof or the top of the lens. From here, you can watch the breathtaking views of Mount Merbabu, Sumbing and Merapi.

This tourist destination, located on Jalan Majaksingi, Magelang Regency can be visited every day starting at 08.00 to 17.00 WIB by paying an entrance fee of Rp. 15,000 per person. Don't forget to capture the unique and unique work of Tanggol in the lens of your camera!