10 most famous souvenirs in Bandung

Gepuk Nyonya Ong

Who can deny the charm of Bandung? The city is a complete package for everyone. You can come to Bandung for any reason from nature tourism, culinary tour to shopping tourism.

Spending a two days is not enough to explore Bandung. You have to go back to your hometown and have activities as usual. So that the city can still be remembered until it's time to get back to it, bring the following 10 typical souvenirs from Bandung to the home:

1. Banana Bollen Kartika Sari
Pisang Bollen Kartika Sari
Banana Bollen Kartika Sari
You have not been to Bandung if you missed Kartika Sari. The store, which is headquartered in Jalan H. Akbar No. 4, Kebon Kawung, is a typical delicious banana bollen that will surely keep you hooked. Banana Bollen ala Kartika Sari is a pioneer of banana Bollen in Bandung and has long been a compulsory souvenir if visiting the city of Kembang.

Banana Bollen is popular since the 1970s and until now still use the original recipe down the Termurun, so the taste is guaranteed unchanging. Various flavor variants you can find here ranging from cheese, chocolate to durian. In addition, there are still a variety of pastry and other delicious pastries such as pastel, risoles, croquette, steamed brownies Rainbow and also Bagelen.

Currently, Kartika Sari opens many branches in the city of Bandung, Jakarta and several other cities. However, buying in her hometown will give you a different sensation.

2. The lady's Gepuk
Gepuk Nyonya Ong
Gepuk Nyonya Ong
Gepuk Nyonya Ong is obliged to put in a list of souvenirs required by the city of Bandung. Located at Jalan Dr. Djunjunan 155E, this shop is always filled with buyers. Gepuk itself is a result of processed beef which is also popular with the designation ' Empal '. Pieces of meat that have been bitten and coated will be assembled with a tongue to keep the fibers are not destroyed when cooked.

Not only beef, Gepuk Nyonya Ong also provides processed chicken meat. With its creativity, this gepuk is processed in various variants such as beef original, beef salty, beef extra spicy, beef less sugar, chicken original and chicken spicy. Once you get home, prepare a plate of warm rice. The Gepuk Nyonya Ong was very deliciously eaten with rice with a steaming smoke.

3. Picnic Roll Prima Flavor
Picnic Roll Prima Rasa
Picnic Roll Prima Rasa
The creativity of Bandung residents in creating delicious culinary is worth the thumbs. You should buy the Picnic Roll Prima flavor. Picnic roll is processed with chopped meat that has been given spices before, inserted into the skin of the pastry with a boiled egg, then baked until the brown tanned. It? You don't need to doubt your delicious.

Picnic roll is available in two variants namely beef and chicken meat which is equally good. Besides picnic roll, other menu mainstay in Prima Rasa is brownies, mouse pudding and mousse cake.

Until now, Prima Rasa only opened branches in the city of Bandung alone. This is because concerns about product quality can be decreased if the store opens a branch in another city. All Prima Rasa pastry and cakes are manufactured in one kitchen centered on Jalan Kemuning to be then distributed to other branch stores including those on Jalan Pasirkaliki. It's no surprise that the quality of the resulting flavor is equally good and does not disappoint its connoisses.

4. Surabi
Surabi Enhaii
Surabi Enhaii
Who does not know the Surabi Bingung as a typical hawker of Bandung? Surabi can not only be enjoyed in this city. You can take it home as a souvenir for your beloved family. Surabi is not currently a ' kampung food '. A variety of Surabi Bingung flavor variants have been created, this makes Surabi Bingung a delicious dish that follows the development of the Times.

One of the places that provides Surabi Bingung as souvenir Bandung is Surabi Bingung Enhaii which is located in Jalan Setiabudi. You are free to choose a variety of flavors ranging from oncom, durian cheese, egg chicken cheese to raisins.

5. Peuyeum
Not hard to find hangout in Bandung. Peuyeum or which is called by tape is already identical with the city of Bandung. Peuyeum are sold in the souvenir center, one of them in Jalan Cihampelas. Usually, the hangout is hung in front of the stall so tourists easily recognize the place that sells hangout.

Peuyeum is a product of cassava. How to manufacture is quite easy. The cleared cassava is then boiled. After that, cassava dtaburi the yeast and stored in a closed place. Peuyeum can already be enjoyed 2-3 days later. Peuyeum loved by the people of Bandung because it can cause a warm effect in the body in the middle of the cool city air tends to cool.

6. Oncom Raos
Oncom Raos
Oncom Raos
Another traditional cuisine typical of Bandung that is not to be missed is oncom. Oncom is a processed product of fermented beans. This Oncom can then be used as raw material to make other delicious dishes, one of which is a much-loved fried Oncom.

Oncom Raos is one of the places that provides products processed oncom. Located on Jalan Cihampelas 91 B, it is not difficult to find this culinary attraction because it is located near popular shopping mall Cihampelas Walk. Not only oncom fried, a place that has stood more than 40 this year also provides various kinds of souvenirs such as various chips, banana sale and also various sweets.

7. Angklung
Oleh-oleh Saung Angklung Udjo
Oleh-oleh Saung Angklung Udjo
Angklung is a traditional musical instrument of the world-recognized Bandung. The bamboo instruments are capable of producing a beautiful combination of melodies when played. One of the places that continue to nurture and develop this traditional art is Saung Angklung Udjo. Located on Padasuka Street, Saung Angklung Udjo is visited by many tourists from inside and outside the country.

Once you're satisfied with the amazing performances, don't forget to buy souvenirs here. You can buy Angklung as a souvenir for family and friends. Besides being sold as a musical instrument, there are also miniature Anglung in the form of key chains and decoration of tables or walls.